I speak to so many executive job seekers, and they all tell me the same thing.


They’re struggling with not knowing when they’re going to get back in, being messed about by recruiters and disappointed by job applications that get ghosted and they’ve had enough. 


They want a simple way to get found by their ideal employer, hired for their ideal job and paid well, but they just don’t know how. They’re frustrated too, because no matter what they try, nothing seems to work for them. 


Take my friend, James for example. 


5 years ago, James was having a horrible time after being made redundant from his FTSE 100 main board job. It was really getting him down. 


But James wasn’t one to sit around feeling sorry for himself. He’d gone out and tried to sort it out himself, things like.


  • get his CV written ‘professionally’

  • network with his buddies

  • apply for relevant looking jobs online

And even

  • try and work with recruiters he’d used as a hiring manager

But guess what? 


Nothing seemed to work. No matter what he tried, no matter how hard he worked, he just couldn’t get his next big job.


Sure, he managed to get some occasional and short-term consulting work, but even that was more through luck than judgement. 


He really was getting towards the end of his tether with it. He was starting to wonder if the FTSE 100 career and the board level responsibility was really for him. 


Maybe it was just time to call it a day… 


But then, someone pointed him in my direction. And boy was he glad they did! 


To start out with, James was a bit suspicious. 


Understandably so. He’d spent so much time, effort and money trying other stuff, he wondered if I was just gonna offer him more of the same. 


Then I explained to him That instead of trying to “sell” himself, he just needed to position himself so employers would come to him and he decided to have one final shot. 


And now 5 weeks later? 


James is settling into his dream role. Now instead of stress he has confidence, where he used to get frustrated now he smiles and best of all his ideal job makes him happy. As does the money ;-)


Perhaps, James’’s story sounds familiar to you?


If so, keep reading, cause now I want to tell you about the same thing I told him. 


Let me introduce you to:


When you get your hands on Get Found Get Hired, you could:

  • Focus on your ideal job

  • Get interviews more quickly

  • Be confident of nailing the interview

  • Be offered your full worth

  • Remove the hassle of applying online

  • Be sought after rather than chase jobs

  • Be able to repeat this anytime, every time

  • Accelerate your career

    And you can have it today for just £2394! (£1995 + VAT)


    You might be wondering why I’m so confident about the results executive job seekers can get with GET FOUND GET HIRED 


    Let me explain! 


    Let’s look at CV Writers for example. Yeah, you might get a better looking CV to start with, but at what cost? A part solution you’re not even sure of? No thanks! 


    With Get Found Get Hired, you have a high performance CV and everything else to assure your success.


    Or career coaches. Don’t get me started on how many stutter when you ask for results and past clients you can access - let alone a guarantee.  


    With Get Found Get Hired, you’ll join a long track record of success, with people just like you. And in the highly unlikely scenario where you don’t get the sort of job you’re after, you won’t have to pay us a penny due to our unique guarantee system



    You might be wondering why you should listen to anything I have to say. Which would be completely fair. 


    So let me start by saying this:


    I honestly never expected to be a Job Seeking Coach.


    In fact, in my whole executive search career, I didn’t even know what a Job Seeking Coach was. You see, for most of my adult life I was involved in filling vacancies. 


    And back in 1998, I worked in The City (London) handling the job moves of some pretty serious executive people. Which was cool. (The people were. Recruitment - not so much :-( )


    I just never really liked the sales bit - hassling hiring managers for vacancies, convincing candidates that *this* was the job for them,… it was icky.


    I built a recruitment business on my own in 2009, that required no sales at all, and the ‘marketing only’ concept was proven. 


    The digital marketing bug had bitten me - and I was pretty good at it. Award-winning good. 


    Eventually I found a way of combining my marketing capability with recruitment. Not by filling vacancies, but by helping six-figure job seekers, get their ideal job, faster, for more money, without even having to sell themselves. 


    It turned out this was a popular thing to be good at!, and so began my transition from Executive Search to Job Seeking Coach.


    And the rest, as they say is history. History that has been an amazing ride so far. It’s involved working for amazing clients right through from early six-figures right up to 7-figure FTSE 100 main board member. Doing work I love and getting paid more than I ever did in recruitment.


    And the joy of seeing the results my clients achieve, is irreplaceable.



    Right now, you’re probably thinking, “yeah this sounds ok, but how do I really know Johnny Walker isn’t just the same as all the other shady rip off merchants? Maybe they’re just out to grab my hard earned cash and do a runner” 

    And that’s absolutely cool. I get you. There ARE far too many dodgy deals out there. 


    So you’re right to have your guard up. 


    But to put your mind at rest, here’s what executive job seekers just like you have to say about Get Found Get Hired.






      • Online Coaching Value £4000

      • Success Group Membership Value £1,800

      • Unlimited Masterclasses Value £625 EACH

      • Exclusive Guest Speakers Value £1000 +

      So that’s a total value of over £7425.


      I think you’ll probably agree, that's a reasonable figure for getting back into your ideal job way faster and earning instead of spending savings.


      But, I also know that it might put it slightly out of reach some people, right now. Here’s the thing, I genuinely want to help as many people as I can with this, so instead of that, why don’t we call it £2394


      When you think about it - that’s no more than 2% of your annual income.


      That’s less than you might spend on a couple of decent suits.


      Imagine how you’d feel if you could have your ideal job faster and for more money for that little! 


      But you’ll have to move fast on this, Get Found Get Hired will only be available for a few more days. 


      Module 1 – Positioning

      Utter clarity about what your IDEAL role is.

      If you're going to go for it, you may as well get exactly what you want.

      Module 2 – Messaging

      Articulate yourself in such a compelling way, the hiring manager notices YOU first.

      Using the GFGH 5P Formula.

      Module 3 – Constructing your High Performance CV
      A High Performance CV that gets YOU the interview.

      Relevancy, Purposeful Language and Digital Marketing Structure. It doesn't get better.

      Module 4 – LinkedIn Optimisation
      A LinkedIn Profile that ranks Page 1 on a LinkedIn search AND is compelling to the hiring manager.

      Including a rapid build out of a highly relevant network, how to write engaging content consistently and optimisation of your profile.

      Module 5 – Personal Network Effectiveness
      How to make your personal network deliver the introduction to the right role, at the right time. Every time.

      Module 6 – Recruitment Partners
      Deal ONLY with recruiters who are the very best in YOUR specific market AND treat you their number one candidate.

      Ditch the hassle and the disappointment. Now you're in control of them.

      Module 7 – You Get To Choose Your Next Boss
      The ability to cherry pick your preferred employers.

      Don't wait to see what's in the market - you decide. Where do you want to work?

      Module 8 – Nail The Interview
      The ability to nail the interview. De-risk the decision to hire and get the job offer.

      The most powerful implementation module and blows other interview coaching out of the water.

      Module 9 – Negotiation
      The ability to always get paid what you're worth and avoid negotiating down. 

      Worth in excess of £10k (and for some in excess of £100k. These are actual numbers from real GFGH alumni).

      Module 10 – Minor Risks

      Swerve risks with references and budgets. Keep the job offer.

      You've been offered the job. But you can still lose it. We'll help make sure you don't.


      The Success Group

      A Support group with an amazing alumni network, live twice-weekly Q&A Sessions, Masterclasses, Guest Speakers etc...all designed to get you over the finish line.

      100% money-back guaranteed.



      How about this? If you invest today, but it turns out you can’t see the amazing value it offers?


      I will give you your money back. 


      That’s right. I am so sure that Get Found Get Hired is the answer to your frustration and despair that if you decide it isn’t - I won’t keep your cash. 


      >>>If you implement 100% of what I coach you on, in 100% of the areas I coach you in and you are not 100% satisfied with the result, I will refund 100% of your money<<<


      I can’t say fairer that that can I?



      Ask yourself if you really want to miss out on getting ahead of your job seeking competition, get found by your preferred employer and hired for your ideal job?


      Because right now you’ve got to decide which path you’re gonna take. 


      Path 1 takes you away from this page, and back to doing the things you already know don’t work. 


      Back to frustration with online job applications, despair with recruiters and the stress of not knowing when you’ll get back in. 


      And you’ll probably end up back here in a few months time, wondering why you didn’t get involved the first time round! 


      Path 2 though, that is the path to getting found fast, for your ideal job and being happy and well paid.


      That path that will finally lead you where you want to be. 


      Which path you choose is entirely up to you, so here’s a little reminder of what you get with Get Found Get Hired.


        • Focus On Your Ideal Job

        • Get Interviews More Quickly

        • Get A High Performance CV

        • Be Confident Of Nailing The Interview

        • Be Highly Visible To Hiring Managers

        • Be Offered Your Full Worth

        • Only Deal With The Best Recruiters

        • Remove The Hassle Of Applying Online

        • Be Sought After Rather Than Chase Jobs

        • Be In Control Of Your Job Search

        • Be Able To Repeat This Anytime, Every Time

        • Get Found And Hired, For Your Ideal Job, Faster, For More Money

        Plus LOADS more! 


        And you can have all this today with just one click, what are you waiting for?!


        But don’t hang around, Get Found Get Hired will only be available for the next few days.


        After that, we’ll be shutting the doors.


        Because once we get to Sunday, my focus will shift to making sure I serve the people that come on board to the very best of my ability. 


        So if you want to get your ideal job faster and an end to online job applications that get you nowhere for good? Jump in today.




        Everything you need to know about Get Found Get Hired


        If you’re anything like me, you get this far down a page like this and you’ve still got a few unanswered questions. 


        So to help, I’ve put together a list of the most common ones I get asked. 


        “Q. Is there a guarantee?” 

        A. Yes absolutely! If you implement 100% of what I coach you, in 100% of the areas I coach you in and are not 100% satisfied with the result, I will give you 100% of your money back. No one who has put the effort in has ever called me on it - I’ve got your back.

        “Q. What do I need?” 

        A. Not much! You do need to take yourself and your career seriously, that way you’ll take this program seriously and put the effort in. That and a laptop, internet, and you’re all good. 


        “Q. But I’m worried I won’t have time to commit to it.” 

        A. Don’t worry, there are no time limits. You’ll have all the time you need. 


        “Q. But I’m not into all that social media stuff - will I have to become some kind of online gooroo?” 

        A. Er no. Just be you. I’ll show you how being you and not some weird other thing, is the winning move.


        “Q. I am not good at selling myself, will I have to be ‘salesy’” 

        A. OMG no! Too icky. Don’t do that. You’re a serious professional. Let’s keep it that way. 


        “Q. What happens if I get interrupted by life and don’t finish it all in one go?” 

        A. You don’t have to. The program will be available to you, at the pace you go at, including pauses for any reason. For as long as you need it.


        “Q. It sounds like quite a lot of work” 

        A. Everything you need is broken down into small 5 - 10min videos, with examples and templates. Get your head down but work at your own pace.


        “Q. What happens if I am getting it wrong, how will I know?” 

        A. There is an online Success Group, exclusively for those in the program and I am in there several times a week for live Q&A, sharing masterclasses on how to implement the program and making sure you succeed. 


        Now you’ve got all the answers the only question remaining is: 


        “Can I put up with the stress of being out of work any longer?


        If the answer is ‘Yes’, then there’s not a lot more I can say, other than ‘good luck.’ 

        I genuinely wish you all the best. 


        But, if the answer is ‘No’ and you’d rather have your ideal job, faster and for more money? 


        Then click the button below to get started. 


        But move quick, like I said this is only available until Sunday, so if you want to stop just imagining what life could be like with your ideal job and make it a reality? 


        You need to act NOW



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